Hyperborean Tradition

About Master








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Hyperborean Tradition

About Master







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The Power of Mastering your Consciousness on the levels of the body, energy and mind


Do you know the purpose of your life? Why were you born here on this beautiful plane of existence to live together with so many people and other creatures during this specific time? Are you aware of what you truly need for your health, wealth and personal development? Is it important to you to awaken your ability to see clearly your purpose in life and the available means to achieve it in the setting of your life circumstances?


Presently, we of the human race are undergoing an evolutionary jump of consciousness together with Gaia, Mother Earth. The old dualistic worldview of matter as the basis of reality is declining. The pervading vibration of life manifests in us as interconnected-ness and beyond consciousness. In this time of massive transformation, the ancient spiritual practices of a secret esoteric tradition – the heritage of Arktida, the seemingly forgotten PURE DIVINE LAND, can be used for encompassing Vibration, Space and Time. Spiritual integrative practices based on a direct perception of the world’s energy vibrations activate the healing frequencies and stimulate the unfolding of consciousness. As the planet is undergoing rapid and profound changes this knowledge is needed to allow people to harmonize their lives with the cosmic order. This is the next step in human evolution – an integrative evolution of consciousness.


In this workshop participants will learn to identify the source of limiting habitual physical, emotional and mental patterns which cause many diseases, illnesses, and unfortunate life circumstances. To transform and balance those patterns the workshop will explore specific ancient practices: specialized movements, breathing and sound exercises, sacred meditation, visualization practices, and energy work.




Polar Light. Universal Wisdom Path. All rights reserved 2010-2019