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Hyperborean Tradition

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Pilgrimage to The Sacral North of Russian Land - The Hyperborea,

with Dr. Elena Loboda

June 28 - July 20, 2019



For thousands of years, on the vast expanse of Northern Europe and Asia (Siberia), there have existed various esoteric traditions – a heritage of Arktida, the continent under the Polar Star. The consciousness, power and knowledge of the members of those sacred ancient Northern traditions extended far beyond anything presently known. Hyperboreans created a lot of Places of sacred Power in the North , which still exists until our time.


The Mysterious, hidden Hyperborean North, enchanted by fog and flooded by the crystal silence of the sky... We will journey to and practice at the places of natural and structured power of that mystical land…


June 28th.

Starting from the beautiful, magical city of St. Petersburg, we will go to the Kandalaksha Bay ... We will start with the passage of the stone labyrinth – Babylon. The Pomeranian maze (labyrinth) name, Babylon, is a slightly distorted Celtic term. Island (city) Avalon, home to fairies, the island of the blessed, which opens only to the elect, is known in Celtic mythology. The name of the magic city is derived from the Celtic word apple (abal, atal), which ideally agrees with the shape of the maze, very similar to the schematic section of the apple. And in the Celtic legends about the “island of the blessed” it is told about the wonderful apples, giving immortality, i.e. The name, form and legend of the ancient structure are closely related to each other. Then it turns out that the maze since ancient times was considered to be a pointer to the proximity of other spaces and dimensions.

 Some researchers believe that the labyrinths are nothing but the doors to some other worlds. There is an assumption that the labyrinth is a receiving antenna circuit with which the ancient inhabitants of these places could communicate with each other at great distances.


Then we will go on a trip to Kanozero(lake) to see for ourselves the unique complex of ancient rock art - the Kanozero petroglyphs, located on the islands. We are going to the rapids on the river Nizma, transplanted to the boat. Then comes the water part of the route: on the boat we move up the river, overcoming the rapids, and exit to Kanozero(lake)...


 Aside from the main transport corridor of the Russian North, there is a completely untouched and unrecognized region where one of the capitals of the ancient Hyperborea, Kovdor, is located. The researchers found there mysterious artifacts in impassable taiga forests, including a unique Ruby Canyon with a “warrior's head in helmet”, a swinging Seid, an image of a “sky map” on a rock, altars of shamans, and many unusual stone structures. There we will meet with a hereditary Saami shamans-noyda, the real keeper of the ancient sacraments and magical secrets.


  The Sami are an ancient mysterious people; they managed to preserve their identity, culture and even their own language. But they will open the veil of secrecy ... We will see ancient megaliths (Modern studies have shown that the megaliths were apparently erected in the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age), Sami temples and a huge Swinging Seid. And the northern nature will fascinate us with the beauty of its rocks and waterfalls.

Pearl Waterfall. A beautiful legend tells that each pearl is a miniature moon. How did she get into the shells of mollusks? It is very simple - when the sorceress-moon illuminates the earth in the night sky, its reflection on the water acquires fluid properties. The lunar substance sinks to the bottom of the reservoirs, penetrates the open shells and curls up. This forms a natural freshwater pearl. And who knows, maybe you are lucky and you will find your pearl here.


We will also visit the central legendary Kola Peninsula, the land of the Magi, shamans and Sami sorcerers, hiding mysterious ancient artifacts ... Lovozero, Seidozero ... Mount Ninchurt.

Trekking to Mount Ninchurt. The name comes from the Sami word "Ninch" - women's breasts, and "urt" - a mountain range. On the mountain there are ancient stone monoliths, which form like staircases, masonry and so on. On the way to the summit you will find the remains of an ancient observatory, structures in the form of a 15-meter gutter with two sightfields. In sunny weather on the opposite side of Seydozer, on one of the cliffs, a mysterious silhouette of a spirit - man, called “Kuyva”, appears.

After that - Shamanka Mountain, a waterfall filled with the crystal energy of the north and more ancient megaliths ...

And then Murmansk – the gate to Arctic Ocean…               July 7th.


July 8th. -

And back to the mainland...

The Murmansk train will bring us to Nyandoma and we get to the village Vershinino (Kenozersky National Park). While hiking the trails of the Kenozerskiy national park we will experience the richness of the natural Cosmic Elements of one of the most beautiful and sacred places of the Russian North. We are waiting for an exciting boat trip on the largest lake of the reserve – Kenozero, with visits to old Russian villages (Ust-Poch, Filipovskaya ...), inspection of beautiful wooden ancient churches and chapels, acquaintance with ancient (even Vedic) rites and traditions. A trip through the South Kenozero Sector - dd. Zikhnova, Gorbachiha, island Bear. Perhaps visiting museums "At the beginning was the word" + Barn with old cultural artifacts.

Beautiful forest horizons leaving for a meeting with the sky, man-made skies of ancient wooden temples…


We will stop on the shore of the enchanted magic Lökšmozero (lake), and then we will go through Oshevensk and Krasnaya Lyagu with a stop in Lyadiny. We will visit Kargopol - Russian northern city. “A pedestrian in the city — a wind in the belfry — ringing the neighborhood and pearls in the kokoshnik ... Ax” is the poetic magic of antiquity.

There will be a trip to Maselga to the ancient place of power, Hizhgore (mountaine), and then we will sail along the lake system in boats to the restored old water mill. Let's go - let's sail along the “Ancestral Path”.

Then we are waiting for departure to Vodlozersky National Park, the territory of protected forests and pristine lakes. On the way - check in Corbozero (lake). Stop at Pudozh (museum). A trip to Shalu to inspect the ancient petroglyphs. Arrival in Kuganavolok, a boat trip to the Ilinsky Pogost and further to the restored beautiful old village of Varishpelda — the place where the road to the White Sea began — beautiful old houses, a wooden chapel. It is also one of the ancient sites of natural power.


Departure to Petrozavodsk. With arrivals in the ancient village of Pyalma and Chelmuzhi. A trip to Kizhi - is a place of amazing light and joyful spiritual strength ... the radiant energy of Kizhi.


In the legendary Russian North, we will see Vedic sacred groves, admire the harmony of wooden architecture, fascinate with the fairy-tale epic preserved Russian handicrafts, and dissolve in the arms of the tender and magically beautiful nature of the northern summer …


And we will return back to S. Petersburg to finish this magical circle of our pilgrimage. July 20th.




Our expedition will consist of 2 parts: 1) the Kola Peninsula, 2) Kenozero and Kizhi.

(Only experienced practitioners can take part 1 of the expedition (Kola Peninsula).


Contact:  infoworkshopsel@gmail.com

And         dr.elena.loboda@gmail.com







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